Kirsty Robbie Kirsty Robbie

Breathe Like a Pro: The Magic of Nasal Breathing

Welcome to the exciting world of nasal breathing, where every breath you take through your nose can be a game-changer for your health and performance. Are you tired of waking up groggy because your partner's snoring keeps you up all night? Or maybe you're the culprit, snoring like a chainsaw and feeling exhausted every morning. Either way, nasal breathing can help transform your nights and your days.

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Kirsty Robbie Kirsty Robbie

Mastering Movement: Strengthening Your Foundation for Pain-Free Performance

If you're like us, you're no stranger to the exhilarating rush of staying active and pushing your limits. But let's face it – as we age, our bodies demand a bit more TLC to keep us in the game. That's where our trusty sidekick comes in: our feet. In this blog, tailored just for us recreational athletes who crave pain-free movement, we'll explore why strong feet are the secret sauce to unlocking our full potential and enjoying every moment of our active pursuits.

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Kirsty Robbie Kirsty Robbie

A Sweet Escape: Part 2 - The Game Plan for Cutting Out Sugar

Now that we understand why cutting out sugar is crucial for our health, it's time to unveil the game plan. Remember, it's not just about avoiding the obvious sugary culprits like candies and soft drinks. We need to be mindful of hidden sources of sugar in processed foods and adopt a gradual, sustainable approach.

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Kirsty Robbie Kirsty Robbie

A Sweet Escape: A Practical Guide to Cutting Out Sugar

Sugar – the sweet temptation that's oh-so-hard to resist! But, did you know that it can wreak havoc on your health? In this guide, we'll uncover why sugar is difficult to resist, how it affects your body, and share tips on how to get your sugar fix in a healthy way. Let's dive in!

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Kirsty Robbie Kirsty Robbie

Tips For Drinking More Water

Water is essential for our body to function properly. It plays a vital role in regulating body temperature, flushing out toxins, transporting nutrients, and keeping our joints lubricated and can also aid in fat loss. Drinking water can increase your metabolism and can reduce water retention too. But how do you make yourself drink more?

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Kirsty Robbie Kirsty Robbie

Managing Menopause

Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman's reproductive years. It is essentially the anniversary of 12 months without having a period. It typically occurs in the late 40s to early 50s and is associated with a range of physical and emotional symptoms. Here are some tips for getting through them:

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goal setting, Fitness Kirsty Robbie goal setting, Fitness Kirsty Robbie

Why Breathing Deeply May Not Help You Recover!

We put a lot of time and effort into thinking about what, when and how much we eat and drink yet rarely do we think about when and how much we breathe! Let’s think about this for a second … we can live for weeks without food, days without water and air for only a few minutes! Yet when was the last time you paid attention to how and when you breathe?

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fitness, mobility Guest User fitness, mobility Guest User

How Does Mobility Help With Sports Performance?


Often they are used interchangeably but the difference between them is significant.

Flexibility is your bodies ability to adapt to a position when under external load.

This is what stretching helps with. Where as mobility is our body's ability to ACTIVELY CONTROL that range.

Read those 2 words again, because they are important!

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